Un triomphe

Emmanuel Courcol, France, 2020o


Étienne is a passionate actor, but he can't make ends meet. Since he doesn't get many role offers, he takes on the leadership of a theater workshop in a prison. Surprised by the talent of this disparate troupe, he decides to stage Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" outside the prison walls. He fights to ensure that the inmates are allowed to leave the prison under supervision for the performances.

French cinema loves success stories with losers. Remember Le grand bain: A group of depressed men start synchronised swimming and become world champions thanks to passion and effort. The formula of Un triomphe is the same: Under the direction of a returned actor (Kad Merad, credible), a group of prisoners perform "Waiting for Godot" and eventually bring the production to the big stages to everyone's surprise. If the plot, with the exception of the ending, thus corresponds to expectations, the film nevertheless recommends itself as a showcase of likeable and endearing characters who draw their strength from their weaknesses. The message is clear: culture can change a person. Un triomphe is even based on a true story.

Emilien Gür

Emmanuel Courcol tricote un film fédérateur et touchant, plus ambitieux qu'il n'y paraît, qui célèbre l'engagement collectif sans jamais verser dans les clichés ni le pathos

Stéphane Joby

Un long-métrage très drôle, rocambolesque et poétique, qui évoque le métier de comédien et le milieu carcéral avec beaucoup de finesse.

Catherine Balle

Entre acharnement et mélancolie, Kad Merad (Étienne) livre sa meilleure composition depuis la série Baron noir . Face à lui, David Ayala, Wabinlé Nabié, Pierre Lottin ou Sofian Khammes, l’acteur qui monte, sont tous enthousiasmants, d’autant que la vedette les laisse briller, attentive, fidèle à son rôle de chef de troupe.

Guillemette Odicino


The Guardian, 6/15/2022
All rights reserved The Guardian. Provided by The Guardian Archiv
All rights reserved Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Provided by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Archiv
outnow.ch, 10/2/2020
All rights reserved outnow.ch. Provided by outnow.ch Archiv
Bande à Part, 8/31/2021
All rights reserved Bande à Part. Provided by Bande à Part Archiv
Culturebox - France Télévisions, 8/29/2021
All rights reserved Culturebox - France Télévisions. Provided by Culturebox - France Télévisions Archiv
Q&A with Emmanuel Courcol & Kad Merad
/ UniFrance
en / 6/22/2021 / 30‘10‘‘

Kad Merad, Marina Hands et Emmanuel Courcol
/ L'invité
fr / 8/30/2021 / 12‘37‘‘

Interview de Emmanuel Courcol et Irène Muscari
From / RTS
fr / 55‘34‘‘

L'invité culture : Kad Merad
From Philippe Vandel / Europe 1
fr / 6‘30‘‘

Movie Datao

Other titles
Ein Triumph DE
The Big Hit EN
Comedy, Drama
Running time
105 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating7.1/10
IMDB user:
7.0 (3336)
7.2 (8)
< 3 votes

Cast & Crewo

Kad MeradÉtienne Carboni
Marina HandsAriane
Laurent StockerStéphane


Q&A with Emmanuel Courcol & Kad Merad
UniFrance, en , 30‘10‘‘
Kad Merad, Marina Hands et Emmanuel Courcol
L'invité, fr , 12‘37‘‘
Review The Guardian
Wendy Ide
Review Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Review outnow.ch
Yannick Bracher
Review Bande à Part
Isabelle Danel
Review Culturebox - France Télévisions
Marie Berrurier
Interview de Emmanuel Courcol et Irène Muscari
RTS / fr / 55‘34‘‘
L'invité culture : Kad Merad
Europe 1 / fr / 6‘30‘‘
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